Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 at 12:00pm! Let's fill the Legislature grounds with cyclists and show this government there will be a political price to pay if they ram through this new tax on cycling.
The next session of the BC Legislature will begin the 1st week of March. I believe the government will likely try to rush the HST through this spring. They promised to implement by July.
As you know, if it passes as is, you will be paying 7% more tax on a bicycle purchased in BC. This is more than you have paid in almost 30 years. You’ll also have to pay 7% more for stuff like helmets and locks, as well as paying 7% more for repairs.
The Liberal Government has got its head in the sand. Cycling is a healthy and sustainable transportation choice and should be encouraged, not punished with new taxes. Cycling is excellent physical activity: it helps you stay in good shape. That saves everyone healthcare dollars. And cycling is good for the environment.
Approximately 40% of emissions in BC come from transportation. Global warming is a crisis: creating disincentives for cycling is unacceptable!
It is critical the BC Government hears from all of you!
And 1000 bikes on the lawn of the legislature will get this government's attention!
And 1000 bikes on the lawn of the legislature will get this government's attention!
My hope is that bike shops, cycling associations and cycling enthusiasts all over BC will help me organize a critical mass at the legislature on Wednesday March 3. Please contact me at or 250 479 4154 or visit the facebook event page.
March 3rd will also be the day that I will present the petition that you have hopefully already signed. We’re already at more than 1700 signatures! But I would like to increase that tenfold before the rally. Click here to sign the petition (if you haven’t already done so). Please encourage others to do the same.
Lana Popham, MLA